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  • Don’t Put Your Neck on the Line!
    Injectables, Fillers, and Lasers aren’t the Only Way

    3 Proven Ways to Get Rid of “Turkey Neck”
    and Lift Up the Look of Saggy, Wrinkled Skin Around the Neck and Chin—Without Fillers, Lasers, or Lifts

    Pores Aren’t “The Problem”—It’s Your Skincare!

    3 Proven Ways to Get Rid of the Look of “Orange Peel Skin”,

    i.e. Dull, Congested Skin with Clogged Pores

    and Reveal Glass like Skin

    Without Expensive Pore-Minimisers or Harsh Peels

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    Explore the 3 simple and surefire methods to tighten the look of lax, wrinkled neck skinwithout resorting to fillers or cosmetic surgery

    Among the many concerns that get under our skin (quite literally, in this case) are Pores. No surprise since clogged, congested pores can manifest a host of other issues. Including, but not limited to bumpy, uneven, dull-looking skin, aka “Orange Peel Skin”.

    But let’s get one thing straight—many misconceptions surround the idea of “pores”. One look at the hundreds of thousands of social media posts being put up and replied to—by well meaning folks, of course—and it’s easy to see why these mistaken beliefs still persist. To the point where those who are just setting out for a solution to their “pore problem”—just like you—may end up believing that pores ARE the problem.

    So, let’s wrap our minds around one basic fact—pores are not the enemy.

    It’s where our skin sweats from,regulating body temperature. It’s where sebaceous glands produce sebum—an oily substance—to provide natural moisture. It’s also where follicles produce hair, offering protection to the skin and keeping environmental impurities at bay.

    In short, pores are vital components of our skin and the idea of “shrinking” them should be immediately discarded.We very much need them to remain open for optimal skin function.

    Though, knowing how to identify clogged pores is half the battle.

    Your pores may become congested due to a number of reasons—the usual suspects being inadequate skincare, natural ageing, pollution or UV exposure (more on how that works below).

    For now, take comfort in the fact that you’ll soon have all the knowledge you need to address the problem of congested, clogged pores and “Orange Peel Skin” once and for all. So, keep reading! 

    From flare-ups, breakouts, and blemishes to dullness, uneven texture, and not to mention, visibly-enlarged pores around the “T-Zone”. Most often than not you’ll find clogged pores at the heart of them all.

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    That said, it is important to mention the role played by a few factors beyond anyone’s control—genetics, skin type, and natural ageing.

    For starters, did you know your actual pore size is determined by genetics?As for skin type, we also know that those with oily, combination skin will more often struggle with visibly-large, congested pores. Yet, people with dry skin may also face concerns stemming from clogged pores too.

    Which brings us to the natural ageing process. 

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    Yes, it isn’t just you—pores may actually seem larger with age.Why is that? You see, with the loss of Collagen—a protein that maintains the skin’s structure and softness—the pores will gradually sink deeper into the skin. On the other end, the decline in Elastin—another protein, one that governs its ability to stretch and retain its shape—causes the pore walls to expand, increasing its size.

    Again, the point is simply this—you can’t physically manipulate the size of your pores. Instead, the things we just talked about, can definitely influence both their size and appearance, although temporarily.

    But by using the most effective strategy—keeping them clean and giving them proper care, that is—you can, indeed, minimise their appearance.

    First Things First—Let’s Get Real about Turkey Neck

    We all know our skin loses elasticity with age. But the neck is among the first places where this can occur. Though, before we understand how both prone-to-ageing neck skin already is, and the crucial role played by the fundamental proteins Collagen and Elastin—let’s make one thing clear, shall we?

    Despite common biological factors, everyone will age differently. Some, for instance, may begin seeing signs of ageing like Turkey Neck as early as their 30s. Others develop wrinkled, saggy neck skin much later in life.


    Too many variables, you see? There’s things like genetics, sun exposure, the stuff we eat, how much water we drink, certain lifestyle habits (smoking, excessive alcohol etc.), the way we express emotions, or even the grand, unstoppable, seemingly-incomprehensible force that is gravity!? Wait, what?

    Yes, you read that right. Even physical forces like gravity can cause the skin to droop, stretch, and become saggy overtime.

    But what helps the most, besides knowing its cause—is changing your approach to skincare. Now this doesn’t mean going on a shopping spree and grabbing anything that says “anti-ageing” on it. Instead, arming yourself with the right information can put you several steps closer to your goal. As a matter of fact you’re doing just that right now! All that remains now is learning the 3 simple and foolproof methods to getting rid of the look of Turkey Neck. And it’s easier than ever!

    3 Simple and Effective Methods to Get Rid of the Look of Dull, Congested Skin with Clogged Pores

    1. Understand What Causes Clogged, Pesky Pores to Occur Along the "T-Zone"

    Above, we had touched on why any and all concerns to do with pores are so easy to misinterpret.

    Therefore, understanding why pores become congested in the first place is crucial.

    Besides sweat, environmental debris, and pore-clogging products, pore congestion can occur for two reasons. The buildup of dead skin cells, and the hardening of excess sebum.

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    Due to disruptions in the way they are shed naturally, dead skin can cells accumulate in the pores like flakes of snow gathering in a heap.

    Your skin may also secrete excess skin oil, i.e. sebum, which can lead to your pores filling up with what are called Sebum Plugs (Sebaceous Filaments), or as we call them, “T-Zone Pore Plugs”. Plugs can occur anywhere on the skin. But they're most prominent along the nose and forehead, specifically the "T-Zone".

    Why? Two reasons: It’s here where the skin has the most amount of sebaceous glands. Also, the pores tend to be larger here and greater in number. 

    The result? Instead of sloughing off like they should, these dead skin cells remain clogged within the pore along with hardened sebum, leading to buildup. So, to accommodate all this gunk, the pore may enlarge temporarily.

    Now, having armed ourselves with the right answers to the WHYs and HOWs, the only thing left to address is WHAT you’re really here for. That is, making adjustments to your skincare so you can effectively minimise their appearance!

    2. Incorporate this Underrated Yet Supremely Effective Method to Decongest “T-Zone Pore Plugs”

    If you ever felt lost amid the sea of so-called “pore minimising treatments” out there—pore vacuums, facial cleansing brushes, pore strips and dodgy home remedies—you may now rest easy. Your search has led you to what actually works!

    Treating all manner of pore blockages can be as simple as using oils. But not just any oil though, and not just casually smearing a few drops on your face either.

    What you want to be able to do is to master this shockingly underappreciated application technique known as “Double Cleansing”.


    If you didn’t know, a double cleanse basically involves these two steps:

    • Step 1—Washing away external impurities (dirt, grime, makeup etc), ideally with your favourite water based cleanser
    • Step 2—Deep cleaning clogged pores and melting away internal debris (remnants of dead cells, hardened sebum etc) with a cleansing oil

    Easy, right?

    Now that you’ve got a handle on this technique—let’s get the subject of WHEN and HOW LONG to do a double cleanse out of the way.

    Short answer—it's up to you, based on whenever it is you can spare 10 to 15 minutes at a stretch. Because you’ll need the oil to sit for a time before it can melt the debris in your pores and break down the remnants of dead skin.

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    Also, let’s quickly bust the myth of not using oils for blocked pores while we’re at it.

    • Much like the skin’s own sebum, oils are a natural substance
    • Since oil molecules are smaller than of lotions and creams, they’re better absorbed
    • They can also mimic the lipid barrier, and are thus great at locking-in moisture

    But like we said, not just any old face oil will do.

    Neither will those so-called “oil-based” creams and lotions you may find stacked on the shelves of your friendly neighbourhood pharmacy.

    3. Use Formulations that Rely on 5,000 Year Old Wisdom and Potent, Gentle Ingredients from Nature

    For that, we must look towards a millennia-old body of holistic wisdom—one that dates back to 5,000 years or more!

    Of course, we’re talking about Ayurveda.

    For it was this ancient system of wellness that discovered what modern science now knows as “Lipophilicity”. In simple terms, it is do with “lipophilic substances” and their tendency to dissolve in lipids, making them particularly effective in breaking down impurities such as dead cells, hardened sebum as well as against all manner of environmental pollutants.

    Given all we’ve learned so far—isn’t that exactly what we need?

    So, with that knowledge, we can now look at the very ingredients whom the sages of old understood to be the best pore-refiners in all of nature!


    Ayurveda’s '7-Parni' Tree Secret

    The bark of the Saptaparni tree (‘Sapta’, meaning Seven; ‘Parni’, meaning leaves in Sanskrit) is what Ayurveda practitioners identified as among the best natural remedies for blocked pores.

    Specifically, it was the sticky milky latex let out by the bark which they revered for this exact purpose.

    Makes sense, given the concentration of natural actives found in its latex, which help deeply cleanse bumpy, uneven, dull-looking skin with clogged pores to perfection—and without disrupting the skin’s natural oil balance at that!

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    Malabar Nut

    But deep cleansing is not the only thing that congested, pore-laden skin needs. Enter, Malabar Nut. A popular herb used across several systems of folk medicine, Malabar Nut boasts umpteen benefits including its innate ability to imbue suppleness by giving moisture-sapped skin that deep nourishment it craves. Not only that, Malabar Nut also helps troubled skin recover its lost softness by renewing elasticity as well as boosting its resilience.

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    Himalayan Rock Salt

    Highly valued in Ayurveda for a multitude of effects owing to its mineral-rich profile, the ability of Himalayan Rock Salt to enhance softness and smoothness in bumpy, uneven skin is what makes it a go-to ingredient. Besides, with the right formulation, it supports skin hydration and keeps out irritants offering it that refreshed, plump, and youthful look!


    Sesame Oil

    There is a reason why almost all Ayurvedic formulations rely on sesame oil. For one, it makes for the most unctuous base. This is essential so that all the raw, potent effects that come from any subsequent ingredients added to the brew are harmonised. Second, it makes for a fabulous age-defying massage oil on its own! For its ability to deeply-moisturise as well as nurture moisture-sapped skin, giving it that juicy, baby-soft tenderness! What’s more, Sesame Oil is non-greasy and non-comedogenic, i.e. non pore-clogging.


    So, with that, you have everything you need to address the problem of blocked, congested pores leading to dull, bumpy, uneven skin. And like we discovered, a surefire way to keeping your pores squeaky clean, is by using an oil cleanser. But “which one?”—is, indeed, the question. You’ll want a product that is both rich, and one that won’t just superficially coat the surface of your skin. You’ll want something that’s both light enough to seep into your pores, yet something that’s potent enough to extract all the gunk and debris from within. Bonus points if you could get your hands on something that won’t just deep clean but also plump, hydrate as well as even-tone the look of your skin. This is where we come in! By combining pore-cleansing Saptaparni, nourishing, even-toning, and moisturising Malabar Nut, hydrating + plumping Himalayan Rock Salt along with quenching, non pore-clogging Sesame Oil we’ve come up with just the specialised pore-refining oil cleanser you need.


    The Secret to Getting Rid of Bumpy, Uneven, Dull-Looking Skin
    with Clogged, Congested Pores, aka Orange Peel Skin—

    The Secret to Getting Rid of Bumpy, Uneven, Dull-Looking Skin with Clogged, Congested Pores, aka Orange Peel Skin—

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    iYURA Paraania Pristine Skin Oil

    for ✅ Squeaky Clean, Pristine Skin ✅ Hydrated, Even-Toned Complexion ✅ Plump, Youthful Look

    ✅ Striking Smoothness
    ✅ Feelable Firmness
    ✅ Plump, Youthful Look

    An All-Vegan, Pore-Refining Cleansing Oil with Potent, Purifying Herbs and Youth-Boosting Ingredients—Saptaparni, Malabar Nut, Himalayan Rock Salt, and More


    Just a few drops of Paraania will...

    • Clean, decongest pore blockages via a double cleanse
    • Hydrate, even-tone and plump-up your look
    • Lend irresistible smoothness to your skin!

    iYURA Paraania Pristine Skin Oil is an all-vegan, lightweight pore cleanser. Enriched with purifying Saptaparni, moisture-boosting and even-toning Malabar Nut, plus smoothing, plumping Himalayan Rock Salt. Supported by a medley of equally endowed Ayurvedic ingredients, and using the wisdom of the sages—to lend your skin a squeaky-clean, seemingly pore-less look, topped off with a plump, hydrated + even-toned appearance!

    Varanya 4.png__PID:5119e7fa-ebe2-44e1-a873-0c7167f2f3eb
    • Deep cleans and purifies the look of clogged, congested pores
    • Promotes plump, youthful-looking skin
    • Deeply quenches dryness, helping the skin look more even
    • Replenishes lost moisture, seals-in hydration
    • Shields against environmental stressors

    See What Paraania Can Do!


    “Skin Saviour
    This amazing oil is a must and a staple in my beauty routine. It delivers all that it promises. Decongests blemishes and pores. Minimises the look of age spots. I could not live without this miracle oil.”
    - Vicki


    “The Best Skincare I Have Used In My Life!!
    It’s such a pleasure to put this oil on my skin, the smell is amazing, the skin gets the right hydration, not too oily, not too dry, just really perfect. I was already happy just with having my skin being so comfortable pretty much for the first time in my life. But on top of that it really helped even my skin tone, and... even my pores are getting smaller.”
    - Melissa M.


    “Game Changer
    I never write reviews, but this oil is such a game changer, that I just want to tell anyone on the fence—TRY THIS! At 35... literally a week into using the Paraania Oil, and I have ZERO new bumps, my pores have shrunken significantly, and I’ve been feeling confident enough to go makeup free for the past few days!”
    - Sarah



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    Get a FREE iYURA Neem Wood Comb that perfectly complements Ambhring Hair Oil — while Ambhring nourishes your scalp and reduces frizz for a flawless, styled look, the Neem Wood Comb takes it to the next level by enhancing smoothness and manageability.
    With every use, this premium Neem Wood comb will...

    • Glide smoothly over the scalp, minimising breakage and hair fall
    • Tame static, leaving your hair sleek, frizz-free, and easy to style
    • Provide a sustainable, eco-friendly alternative to plastic combs
    • Fit conveniently in your bag for quick, on-the-go touch-ups
    • Enhance Ayurvedic care with Neem’s purifying properties, giving your scalp the support it needs


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    Black Friday Special

    Get a FREE Premium Gift box of Dyumati Illuminating Face & Body Dew Duo worth over £60 with every purchase over £80.  

    Illumine your skin from face-to-feet with 2 luxurious oils made with Turmeric, Chebula, Triphala, 3 types of Figs & many more exotic botanicals. These lightweight oils provide moisture and softness and enhance a clearer, more youthful, smooth appearance of the skin. Works for both the face and the rest of the body! 

    In a 100% natural formulation that works on all skin types, this duo now comes in a gorgeous box with 2 different aroma blends. That means you’re getting 2 bottles of 50ml each! 

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    Brands often give away free samples, but rarely do they give away FULL-SIZED bottles in a gorgeous gift box like this one! This mesmerizing box with authentic Madhubani artwork makes for an unforgettable gift for your loved ones! The formulations are uniquely balanced to work on all skin types - so it makes for the perfect gift for your siblings, parents, children, auntie-uncle, neighbor, cousins, colleagues, boss - anyone would LOVE to get this gift! 

    Worth £60 (exotic and wildcrafted herbs, an ancient formulation made through a traditional preparation method, unique packaging with authentic Madhubani artwork) - BUT - if you buy over £80 today, during our Black Friday Sale, you can get this premium gift-duo for FREE! 

    This is a unique opportunity to get your holiday gifts in today while saving BIG on so many premium products. The value you're getting today is unlike any you'll come across - so get this unique gift for your loved ones (or just for yourself) NOW!

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    Paraania Pristine Skin Oil
    Paraania Pristine Skin Oil
    Paraania Pristine Skin Oil
    Paraania Pristine Skin Oil
    Paraania Pristine Skin Oil
    Paraania Pristine Skin Oil
    Paraania Pristine Skin Oil
    Paraania Pristine Skin Oil

    Paraania Pristine Skin Oil

    An all-vegan pore cleanser enriched with purifying Saptaparni, moisture-boosting and even-toning Malabar Nut, and others—to lend your skin a squeaky-clean, seemingly pore-less look!

    • Deep cleans and purifies the look of clogged, congested pores
    • Promotes plump, youthful-looking skin
    • Deeply quenches dryness, helping the skin look more even
    • Replenishes lost moisture,seals-in hydration
    • Shields against environmental stressors

    Quantity: 30ml



    If you buy this product today, you get a Free Mini Yauvari Youth Spring!

    Free gift gets added in your cart. No Coupon needed. Offer valid until stocks last.


    100% Satisfaction, 30-Day Full Money Back Guarantee.

    FULL LIST OF INGREDIENTS: Sesamum Indicum Seed Oil, Justicia Adhatoda Leaf Extract, Azadirachta Indica Leaf Extract, Alstonia Scholaris Bark Extract, Hordeum Vulgare Extract, Sodium Chloride, Phyllanthus Emblica Fruit Extract, Terminalia Bellerica Fruit Extract, Terminalia Chebula Fruit Extract, Rubia Cordifolia Root Extract, Curcuma Longa Root Extract, Holarrhena Antidysenterica Seed Extract, Piper Longum Fruit Extract, Zingiber Officinale Extract, Piper Nigrum Fruit Extract, Citrus Aurantium Flower Oil, Berberis Aristata Root Extract, Gardenia Florida Oil, Jasminum Officinale Flower Oil, Acacia Catechu Wood Extract, Tocopherol, Limonene, Linalool, Hydroxycitronellal, Geraniol, Farnesol, Coumarin, Benzyl Salicylate, Benzyl Benzoate, Benzyl Alcohol



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    STEP 1— Take a few drops of the serum and spread onto your fingertips

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    STEP 2— Apply along the face, neck, & décolleté using slow, circular strokes

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    STEP 3— Let sit for 10 minutes; massage until fully absorbed

    See What Paraania Can Do!


    “My New Favourite! 
    I'm 34 and have never had a skincare routine, figured it was about time... I initially came across this oil in the sampler kit of minis and didn't think I'd really use it much because my skin is already pretty clear....or so I thought. My pores are tighter now, my skin is SO soft, clear and even-toned. I didn't even know my face could look this good!”
    - River V.


    “My Skin Hasn’t Looked Nor Felt Better!
    I have been using the oil for approximately 3 months. I have noticed the big changes—my pores especially on my nose and cheeks are minimal.”
    - Ruth W.


    This face oil is perfect. Doesn’t make my skin too oily and has made a tremendous difference in the pores and dullness of my skin.”
    - Sherrell M.


    FULL LIST OF INGREDIENTS: Aqua, Propanediol, Psoralea Corylifolia Seed Oil, Brassica Glycerides, Cetearyl Alcohol, Butyrospermum Parkii Butter, Coco-Caprylate/Caprate, Astrocaryum Murumuru Seed Butter, Sodium Acrylates Copolymer, Polyglyceryl-2 Stearate, Undecane, Xylitylglucoside, Benzyl Alcohol, Glyceryl Stearate, Anhydroxylitol, Cetearyl Glucoside, Stearyl Alcohol Lecithin, Tridecane, Parfum, Terminalia Chebula Fruit Extract, Xylitol, Tocopherol Azadirachta Indica Leaf Extract, Symplocos Racemosa Bark Extract, Curcuma Longa Rhizome Extract, Glycosphingolipids, Myrica Esculenta Bark Extract, Rubia Cordifolia Stem Extract, Sodium Gluconate, Glucose, Glycolipids, Dehydroacetic acid, Glycine Soja Oil, alpha-iso-Methyl Ionone, Amyl cinnamal, Benzyl salicylate, Citronellol, Hexyl cinnamal, Hydroxycitronellal, Limonene, Linalool.


    The Ayurveda Experience has over 2,000,000 customers worldwide and is the first and only choice for those who are serious about using skin and hair products that both come from nature, and also want targeted, observable results. We assure our customers that every single batch of these products is as consistent and uniform as possible, that the manufacturing process is accurate, and that these products will work as expected.


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